OHR: Week 9, Day 2

Originally completed on Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Goes It

Today’s run was supposed to be 38 minutes, but the Garmin went completely nuts right after mile one and would not work the rest of the time! ARRRGH!!! Upset, I fiddled with it for a about a minute or two before giving up. (Lesson: Instruction manuals exist to be read.) I continued on my way without any form of technology to track my time or mileage.

I started incorporating what I’ve learned in the running clinics and Chi Running into my past few runs. It was awkward at first, but then on this run, it seemed to come together, because before I knew it, I’d run 4.88 miles completely unintentionally and I felt even better than I started – I had to force myself to stop!

In my running history, this is revolutionary. I never felt winded, sore, stressed or tired. Garmin reported my first mile at 9:17, yet it felt so easy, especially since it’s the first part of my run that contains 4 super steep hills. When I climbed the half mile ascent just after mile 2.25, there was no question whether or not I would complete it – I did it without breaking a sweat and I could have done it again. It was like a breakthrough.

Today I have a 54 minute run, but I may attempt to get to the full 60!!! Was it just in August that I started out running 60 seconds at a time???

4.88 miles


60°F, Sunny, Overcast

OHR: Week 9, Day 1

How Goes It

I ran in 40-something degree weather for the first time! (Actually it was 49°F, but I still consider 49 to be in the “40s”) It was also rainy – ewww. Seriously, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am leaving for vacation on Thursday, I would have skipped it.

I used my nifty new heart monitor today – nevermind that it took me 20 minute to figure out that it goes under my “girls,” not above them. I synched it easily to my Garmin and went out the door to see what would happen.

It of course showed that I am running completely out of my fat-burning zone and into anaerobic levels. Not good. My reports after also showed that I am at 100% when I go up a hill – duh. Lesson: SLOW THE F DOWN!

The upside is that I’m learning to pace myself in the beginning of the run, instead of the opposite.

I’m also happy to avoid a near-death incident with a garbage truck. I’m not sure how he didn’t see me when he’s staring right at me in my super bright turquoise vest, but whatev’s – I’m alive!


Total Time: 00:30:00
Avg Pace: 09:10 min/mi
Max Pace: 07:35 min/mi


Lap Pace Avg Heart Rate
Mile 1 09:25 min/mi 86% Percent of Max
Mile 2 09:08 min/mi 83% Percent of Max
Mile 3 08:57 min/mi 88% Percent of Max
Finish 09:07 min/mi 88% Percent of Max


49°F, Light Rain

OHR: Week 8, Day 3

How Goes It

Laziness really spoke to me today, but I still managed to get my butt up and out the door.

Another hellacious run! But this time, it wasn’t me – it was the 24 mph winds (runnersworld.com classifies it as “stormy” – yikes!) blowing dirt, leaves and small puppies into my face. At certain points, I had one arm pumping while the other tried in vain to keep down the bill of my cap and towel in my eyes. Misery. My calves are pretty sore right now too, probably from running into the wind. I must be a complete NUT for running in this weather! (((picturing the flying cow in that movie Twister)))

A minor lesson I had to learn:
long run = run slow
long run = run slow
long run = run slow
long run = run slow
long run = run slow

Yeah… That light bulb lit at around mile 2.

Other than that, I’m pretty proud of myself for running 5.25+ miles straight without stopping!!! Minus the one time I was forced to jog in place to allow a [explicative] car – who obviously had no intention of stopping – through an intersection. Grr. I could have easily run the full 60, but I’m planning squeezing in the entire Week 9 between tomorrow and before I leave for vacation on Thursday, so I didn’t want to over do it.

According to a quiz in Jan 2009’s issue of Runner’s World, I am meant to run long distances like marathons and such. I wasn’t sure about that until today, when I felt my body turn into “autopilot” right before mile 4. I’m also really good at running without music. Who knows! This could be the first indication towards tapping into what my body’s true talents. Exciting stuff.


Total Time: 00:50:01 (it was supposed to be 49 minutes but I like round, even numbers hee)
Avg Pace: 09:30 min/mi
Max Pace: 07:40 min/mi

Mile 1: 09:19 min/mi
Mile 2: 09:29 min/mi
Mile 3: 09:40 min/mi
Mile 4: 09:34 min/mi
Mile 5: 09:30 min/mi
Finish: 09:13 min/mi


56°F, Sunny, Windy (24mph)

December 12, 2008

I survived Thanksgiving!!!

I went into the holiday feeling great and super amazing, but spending the entire weekend in a fabulous hotel with even more fabulous eats… Well, it was a recipe for disaster.

I really didn’t feel like working out, but I knew that it was the ONLY way I could minimize the damage. So, I had my own Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day before we left on the plane. That night we had Thanksgiving dinner at the Four Seasons – complete with empty calories like champagne – arrrgh!!! I managed to down a ton of veggies before I jumped into a higher calorie items but still managed to wolf down WAY too many desserts. (They had like 9 different dessert samplers – I took one of everything and went back for seconds on some, when others around me only had ONE)

In attempt to fight back the unhappiness I felt the next morning on my food choices, I waddled in the cold down to the fitness center – only to find it crowded and way too hot! I ended up doing a small run around town, which ended up to be a terrific way to explore the area. I felt better about myself.

I tried to make better choices that day, but we ended up going to one of our favorite restaurant chains – Mastros. OMG!!!!!!! Champagne again and diving headfirst into delicious food – ending the dinner with the decadent butter cake! Sigh. I knew better, but I could feel myself slipping into my old self. What self-control?

The next morning, I woke up upset once again. I went out for another run, this time twice as long as the day before. I came back to the room refreshed and ready to make healthy choices – which did pan out until that night.

Mortons – SO much fun, but my sticky little paws were all over that champagne bottle again. Boozehound! I ate until my stomach hurt – but not before I stuffed some cake into me.

Sunday and days after
Ohhh the gluttony. We came home on this day, but my bad habits didn’t stop there. For days afterwards, I ate like my old self. And even though I forced myself to work out, I felt the laziness set in.

On Dec. 2 I knew I had to do something – it was to either get back on that horse or lose everything I’ve worked hard for. So the next day, I filled my refrigerator with colorful vegetables and fish and waited my enthusiasm for fitness to come back. Amazingly, just after ONE day of eating clean, I felt better and my head was clearer – by December 4th, I was itching to work out again!

I can’t tell you how much of this process is nutrition. What you eat is about 90% of it. After an entire week of nourishing my body with nutritious foods, by Dec. 11 my body was back into Pre-Thanksgiving condition and I’m ready for my cruise next week!

Getting back on the horse also reminded me that while we are on this journey, we WILL cheat and we WILL fail; however, that isn’t the important part. What is significant is when we get back ON the horse. We learn about ourselves when we fail, so let us cherish the times we get back on the road after we stray.

To celebrate this lesson, I put together a before/after comparison:

The before picture was taken in the Caribbean in Dec. 2007 – after dieting for a few months. (I gained 10+ pounds after the pic was taken) When I took the After picture yesterday, it occurred to me that not only is it almost to the day when the Before pic was taken, but I’m going back to the Caribbean next week with a new body. In fact, it reminded me of this woman I saw right after the Before pic was taken: she had the most amazing body I had ever seen in real life – complete with a six pack. She was also a mom to a toddler! I was embarrassed and ashamed of my body; you can see it as I tried to twist in the picture to make myself look thinner. Well no mas!!! This year, I will be the one dancing around proudly in a bikini. :):):)

100 Push Ups: Week 5, Day 2 #4

19-19-22-22-18-18-22-32 = 172

Set 1: I feel STRONG
Set 2: Experiment with weight placement
Set 3: Felt the effort, but no sweat and no burn
Set 4: Feeling warm and the work
Set 5: Great!
Set 6: Feeling the work again
Set 7: I felt the work, effort, warmth, burning, shaking – everything!
Set 8: Hit a mental max of 32

Not bad… I think my PR for the max for this session was 36, but that was so long ago and lately I’ve only reached in the 20s before needing a break.

OHR: Week 8, Day 2

How Goes It

It didn’t go that well today; in fact, I stopped three times – two for side cramps and once when I got super tired.

Oh and did I mention this was only supposed to be a 36 minute run???

Typically I run my best after a day’s rest, but today was nothing like that. I’m beginning to wonder if it has anything to do with my diet – wouldn’t be the first!. I will look at my food log and see about my carb/protein (and maybe fat too) intake.

Today’s run doesn’t bother me a bit; in fact, I look forward to running again! I recognize that it’s just one of those things that just happens.

Oh oh oh! I went to a running clinic held by this guy who’s trained Olympic medalists and NBA players the other day. Very helpful! I tried to implement the methods I learned but it feels weird to lift my knees when I run. I think I need to work my gluteus maximus muscles as recommended and continue to practice the leg thing. I do have to say though, it felt really super cool (and a little scary too!) to allow my center gravity to take me.

I also learned that in order to run faster, you have to run slow. I ran what I thought were 10+ MM (according to live packing) but it turned out that I was still doing 9 MMs. Garmin needs to stop hitting the margaritas!


Total Time/Distance : 37:04 and 3.93 miles (I forgot it was s’posed to be 36 min only)
Ave Pace: 9:26 MM
Max Pace: 7:33 MM

Mile 1: 9:07 MM
Mile 2: 9:14 MM
Mile 3: 9:42 MM
Mile 4: 8:59 MM


68° F, Sunny

OHR: Week 8, Day 1

How Goes It

My intention was to pop out an itsy-bitsy 2 miler today, but some things happened that forced me to have to be away from home for a longer period of time, so I thought, “hey why not just knock out the 30 minute run?”

Nothing too wild to report today, except that I went my regular route backwards for the first time and hellooooo – it is WAY easier! If I wasn’t so hung up on building my strength, I’d go this way from now on.


Total Time/Distance : 30:08 and 3.37 miles
Ave Pace: 8:56 MM
Max Pace: 7:04 MM

Mile 1: 8:57 MM
Mile 2: 8:52 MM
Mile 3: 9:01 MM
Finish: 8:54 MM


60° F, Sunny

OHR: Week 7, Day 3

Originally completed on Monday, December 8, 2008

How Goes It

I have to admit, I was a bit nervous about running 45 minute straight with ZERO breaks, but thanks to Garmin, my new BFF, I was able to control my pace and hence not blow myself up by running at outrageous speeds (for me).

At about mile 3.33, a part of my regular route loops so that I can stretch my journey to 6-7 miles, but let me just say that it feels weird/awesome to actually run into the areas where it used to be time for me to walk!!! It’s unbelievable to think back to 2007 when 8-minute runs was quite the tackle. I have conquered, yeah!

I felt completely refreshed at the end of the run; in fact, I probably could have knocked out the full 60! But alas, patience pays. It would not be worth botching up the 5k race I have this weekend nor risk hurting myself (I would just die if the latter happened).


Total Time/Distance: 45:03 and 4.88 miles
Avg Pace: 9:14 MM
Max Pace: 7:49 MM

Mile 1: 9:16 MM
Mile 2: 9:15 MM
Mile 3: 9:21 MM
Mile 4: 9:11 MM
End: 9:03 MM

60° F, Sunny, Windy

100 Push Ups: Week 5, Day 3 #3

20-28-24-24-20-20-22 max: 31

Set 1: Didn’t feel a thing 🙂
Set 2: No sweat!
Set 3: Still easy, but I can feel the effort
Set 4: Arms are warming up
Set 5: I can feel the effort, but not as much burning
Set 6: Placed arms lower. No burning, but there is definitely effort.
Set 7: Burn, effort, everything! I did 25 by accident. Oops!
Set 8: 31 max (didn’t bother going for 50). It took the entire effort of my arms, chest, core and legs to get to 31!

Overall, I think I did pretty good, although there isn’t any improvement from the last time I did W5D3 (eek). I might revisit Day 2 on Thursday.

OHR: Week 7, Day 2

How Goes It

INSANELY AWFUL!!! (sob-wail-sniffle) I got a bad case of the cramps again – this time TWICE. To cope, I stopped my watch and lightly semi-jogged in place for a minute or two (in a very pissed off way) and continued again when the pain went away.

There are two reasons why this could be happening:

  • Breakfast. The most I used to eat prior to a run was part of a granola bar, but this and the last time I ran, I had a bowl of oatmeal about 45 minutes to an hour prior. Maybe I run best with an empty stomach.
  • Time of day. I’ve been running at noon versus 6 am. It’s highly unlikely that this change causes cramps, but it is something different I don’t usually do and could be a possibilty.

Other than that, the conditions are identical as usual. It’s just annoying that these aren’t side stitches but actual cramps that make me stop. (What? Am I wishing that they were side stitches instead? Oh my!)


34:00 – 8:56 MM @ 3.81 miles

Start to 2.16 miles – 8:50 MM
2.16 miles to end – 9:04 MM


60°F, Sunny