My Journey Begins! (Again)


Since both my dog and I both need to lose weight, a few weeks ago, we started the Couch to 5k program. Problem? My dog hates to run! Unfortunately for him, I won’t let up, so we’ve been doing Week 1 for three weeks. We’ve actually mastered it, but instead of moving on to Week 2, I’ve modified it so that three days a week, we run 1:30 with 1:00 rests at eight intervals, and on Tuesdays/Thursdays, we do the actual C25k Week 1.

Here’s today’s session (click to biggefy)


If you look closely at Lap 8 and 10, my dog decided at those very moments to race uphill. This is coming from a dog that used to hide from me on the days I used to take him running! And of course, I look so fabulous and graceful basically running chasing after my dog. Ha! I followed up the workout routine with an 8-minute stretching session plus a one-minute plank and one-minute superman, but something happened along the way:

Um, that is my dog on my yoga mat fast asleep while I did the butterfly stretch. Silly dog!


Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats Breakfast this morning was easy and delicious: toasted hazelnut flavored coffee with soy creamer and apple cinnamon overnight oats. Perfect breakfast for busy mornings and after a very hot and sweaty workout. 🙂


07/25/2013 lunch

I know how this looks: lunch from 7-eleven?! This used to be my attitude until one day while perusing for Gardettos, I discovered the incredibly yummy and fresh goodness in their refrigerated section. My favorite is actually this chicken salad with cranberries on wheat bread, but since I’m trimming calories here, I chose this today instead. The bread was soft and melt-in-your-mouth goodness, the lettuce was crisp and the tomato juicy. I squeezed some mustard into the sammich and down the hatchet it went. Delicious and filling.

Day One Stuff

A lot of people hate taking pictures while they are at their high weight. Me? I LOVE IT! In my experience, there is nothing more empowering and motivating in a weight-loss journey than seeing your before and after pictures. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve known to wistfully regret not taking more pictures before they started their health journey.

First, the scale:

Start Weight

A whopping 119.4. Okay, so you may be thinking: “That is a goal weight, not a start weight!”

But here’s the thing: I stack up at only five feet and zero inches tall. According to NIH’s BMI calculator, my BMI currently comes in as a “normal” 23.3, but it’s closer to the Overweight category than I prefer. Many years ago, my start weight was once 130 pounds, which calculates to 25.4 BMI, so whenever my weight creeps past 115 lbs or 22.5 BMI, I start to get nervous and start making moves to gain control over my situation again, and so … here I am with this blog.

And finally, the cringe-worthy before pictures:

before collage 2-up

before collage

I would like to note that there is no tummy-sucking in these pictures, and in the second picture, there is no clothing to keep my stomach in. It is alllll hanging out.


Weight: I feel my absolute best when I weigh anywhere from 105-109 lbs. My knees, shins and bottoms of my feet are less sore and I feel much more energetic. And speaking of running, I can shave at last two minutes off my 5k time – which means burning saving time in my workout. All wins here!

Strength: It’s important to me that I build my strength back, not only for health reasons (i.e. stronger bones and body pain), but it’s just so much easier to be independent around the house and at Costco when I can lift an impressive weight. I am also looking to build ab strength because I am constantly tripping! And lastly, strong muscles just enable you to live your life more, like walk miles upon miles – particularly useful when one of your annual travels include traipsing around Manhattan.

Mental Acuity: Being at a healthy weight means I can move more efficiently while exercising. Exercising means my mind will be too tired to wander in the evening and I will crave sleep. Sleep means I wake up refreshed, clear-minded and ready to take on the day. Once I get into a cycle of healthy living, I feel like I can tackle every challenge thrown at me. It helps me gain control in one part of my life and creates momentum towards success. When I’m off the cycle, parts of my life suffers and I start to feel like my life is spinning out of control. Getting on the healthy track again to me is always the first step towards taking ahold of my destiny again.

As for when I hope to accomplish this, my ultimate goal is to be healthy again, not to fit into a dress, so I won’t be putting a time limit on this. There will be weeks I will gain and there will be weeks I will lose. I know I WILL fall off the wagon and guess what – it’s all okay! The most important part of the journey is that I get back on track. Actually that’s one thing I find I’m good at: I fall off the track quite often, but I can always count on myself to get back on, and to me, that is more important than attaining any goal. 🙂

See ya tomorrow!

OHR: Week 2, Day 3

How Goes It

I originally planned on completing this on Saturday while on a treadmill at the hotel I was staying – and did pump out 30 min (plus 10 min of extra running), but truth be told, I HATED it and didn’t feel challenged in the specific way I love/used to when running outside. If anything, I felt like a hamster in a wheel but with a TV in front of me. I am now officially anti-treadmill.

Thanks to an early flight on Sunday, I had plenty of time to run in the afternoon, even though I was too exhausted to do it and was finding every distraction in the world to put it off. Eventually I gave myself a stern talking to and pushed my butt outside.  (Main motivator: burn off all the cookies I splurged on all weekend)

Because I was so tired, I didn’t think I was running that fast, but to my (GREAT) surprise, I actually ran the first 30 min under 9 min/mile! I have no idea how that happened, really. In fact, I thought it was just my mind hazing about when I’d pass certain markers before certain times. Could it be that I’ve grown comfortable with my new pace?

The faster pace, however, did end catch up with me. In my first 10 minute interval following the 30, my legs felt like lead. I was so incredibly tired and was 100% sure that I would NOT be able to complete the next 12 minute interval. With 3 minutes left in the interval, my knees started hurting. I was relieved when the interval was over.

Usually, the 3 minute break too short for me to adequately recover, but on this day, my knees felt 100% and my legs were somewhat renewed. I pushed for the 12 minutes and – what do you know! – I beat last Thursday’s 12 min interval.

Overall, this run was more mentally challenging than physically. I definitely felt the trash I ate all weekend (went nuts with my cookie addiction!), but it could be the mental power that enabled me to push through and finish.

Thoughts While Running

Cookies, cake, pie! Cookies, cake, pie! Does anybody else think of food when they run?

It’s hard to believe I once did horribly running 90 seconds at a time!


Run Intervals:
Set 1: 30:07 – 3.41 miles @ 8:50 min/mi
Set 2: 10:00 – 1.07 miles @ 9:21 min/mi
Set 3: 12:00 – 1.30 miles @ 9:14 min/mi
Total: 52:07 min and 5.78 miles


62° F, Sunny

C25K: Week 9 Days 2 & 3 – Program DONE!/OHR: Week 1, Days 2 & 3/Workout 120 Days Straight: Days 94 & 95

How Goes It

Day 2: Let me begin by saying it was a beautiful fall day. Cool crisp air and smells of burnt firewood tickled my nose. The cold air, however, was a harsh reminder about how I forgot to use my inhaler before the run, so towards the middle, I tasted something like blood in my throat. I don’t think it’s really blood, but it takes me back to last year when I learned that that was the indication about my asthma acting up. I managed to not only finish my run but tack on an extra two minutes; however, by the time I reached home, I was almost gasping. Good timing. So lesson here is… REMEMBER MY INHALER!!!

Day 3: I get sniffly at mile 1 – does this happen to anyone? I’m glad I brought a towel with me, because boy did I use it. The run was easy cheesy… Nothing to report; I just savored the moments during my last day in this program. YEAH!

Thoughts While Running

People using their phones while “walking” their dogs are so friggin inconsiderate! Not only are they not paying attention to others’ safety around their dog, but they’re not giving their pup their time. It’s sad. And it pisses me off.

I mentioned this before, but boy does this program make you skinny! I finally reached my first goal weight when I ran this on Sunday. Unbelievable.


68° F, Sunny

One Hour Runner: Now that I’m completely done with the Couch to 5k Program, I will be blogging my runs under OHR.  Yeah!

C25K: Week 9, Day 1 (success!)/OHR: Week 1, Day 1/Workout 120 Days Straight: Day 92

How Goes It

I notice that after a bad run, I get nervous – anxious even! – about the next one. I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic at first, but it turned out okay, even though there were a few challenges:

  1. Different workout time. I’m a creature of habit, so running this during the weekday a.m. instead of the afternoon really did a number on me. On the upside, there were a whole lot less cars zip around and a whole lot less dogs. Not a bad thing!
  2. I was exhausted. I slept pretty well last night but my legs felt like lead in the beginning. I wonder if it has something to do with the calf workouts yesterday?
  3. I ate too soon before my run. Between morning house duties and shipping my man off to work, mornings are hectic. I stuffed two little bran muffins 40 minutes before the run, when I should have been done eating exactly an hour before. Therefore, I felt my breakfast come up a couple of times. Ewwww….
  4. It was pretty hot. Not to mention humid from the coastal fog! I completely forgot about the upcoming Santa Ana winds. It wasn’t 90 degrees this morning, it still wasn’t exactly cool at 72 plus humidity.
  5. Hectic preparation. I have a specific routine I go through to prep my mind for the run and this morning it wasn’t what I’m used to. Hence, I was a bit scatterbrained when I started out.
  6. Stresses. I got interrupted during my run with some real important life-changing news and decisions to make ASAP. Normally running is complementary to hard workouts but… it was information overload, even though I’m glad to hear about it in the middle. It just messed with my focus a bit.

The run (30 min + two 10 min intervals = 50 min total) ended up a success despite these challenges! I’m a bit sad that this program will come to a close, but I’m pretty excited about the One Hour Runner program at the same time.

Thoughts While Running

It would be great – really really great! – if like at mile 2, someone was there to hand me an ice cream on a sweet sugar cone. Not sure why I thought of that but I do know I was craving it about then.


72°F, Sunny

Have I really worked out daily for over three months? Wow.

At this point I can’t imagine not having exercise in my life. It’s no longer so much a streak I’m trying to carry through, but more of… a ritual or a routine. The feeling of pushing my body even though the muscles are tired is… sweet. I enjoy “experimenting” with different workouts and seeing the results afterwards. I love to record every little detail in my fitness diary and looking back on it to compare my progress. It’s hard to believe that just 93 days ago, I was a chunky little couch potato who hated exercise!

C25K: Week 9, Day 1/OHR Week 1, Day 1/Workout 90 Days Straight: DONE!/Workout 120 Days Straight: BEGIN!

How Goes It

Some days I hate running and today is one of those days.

While people around the world are comfortably pounding rubber to pavement in deliciously crisp weather, I have to endure 90 degree weather in the middle of [insert string of words unfit for children, ladies and the elderly here] October here in Los Angeles – and I even live at the beach! Yikes. The heat waves makes me wonder if it has something to do with ozone depletion (global warming). I think I’ll recycle some plastic water bottles just in case.

Needless to say, I could not run effectively, as I was overheating a couple of miles in and had to stop the run at 27:11 and .04 miles short of 3 miles. Gasping for breaths, I hung my head low as I walked home in shame. Grr.

“So then run early in the morning,” you say.

I reply, “Excellent suggestion, if the mercury were not bubbling at that time of day as well!”

Looks like I’ll have to repeat this day on Thursday with an extra make-up run on Sunday.

Thoughts While Running

I had none, for my mind was burning from the friggin heat!


comparable to hell 90°F, Sunny

Well! So much for celebrating my 90th consecutive day of exercise with a super duper awesome workout. Hmph.

Regardless, it’s time to check off “Workout 90 Days Straight” as done and move on to “Workout 120 days straight” WOTWOT

C25K: Week 8, Day 3

How Goes It

30:07 min run + 5 min walk break + 10 min run + 5 min walk break

I was really nervous doing making up last Tuesday’s run yesterday, because I already ran yesterday. I think at one point in the beginning my legs felt sore and tired, but after mile #2 everything seemed to pan out and became a more automated process… And in the process, accidently ran FASTER and FARTHER than I intended!

Obviously, I was nervous over nothing. 🙂

It’s so weird to be so comfortable running for 30+ min straight, but it’s more weird to see how skinny running is making my body. I don’t think there is a coincidence with how quickly my weight dropped after I started this program! No wonder super runners are always rail thin.

This week I coincide Week 9 with the One Hour Runner program. I’m super excited!

Thoughts While Running

Fall must be the BEST season ever to run in. Falling leaves, ghosts, goblins and scarecrows hanging out in people’s front lawns and big orange pumpkins – such a festive time of year!

Eating a couple of Fiber One apple and cinnamon muffins 1 hr before the run makes a HUGE difference. Mmmm!


66° F, Sunny, Windy

C25K: Week 8, Day 2

How Goes It

I can run a 5k without stopping!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I ran 30:07 minutes (3.18 miles) + 5 min walking break + Week 6 Day 2 for a total of 50:07 min ran – PIECE OF (fat free, low cal) CAKE, which surprised me since I did a killer leg workout yesterday.

Even though I started running 30 min before ascending on Week 9, I’m going to finish the program anyway before checking it off. I’m also considering coinciding Week 9 with the first week of the One Hour Runner program. Hmmmmm things to think about.

Thoughts While Running

It is SO nice to finally run in fall weather. Since we’re expecting rain, it was super overcast which means I didn’t have to armor my body with a thick layer of sunblock.


63° F, Overcast

C25K: Week 8, Day 1 (again)

How Goes It

Run 32:16 + 5 min break + Run 10:00 + 3 min break + Run 10:00 min

3.41 miles + 1.02 mies + 1:09 miles = 5.52 miles

I ran for 32:16 minutes straight! I actually didn’t mean to… My playlist was cut short (user error) at 22:51 and desperate to continue on, I replayed the playlist and roughly calculated 28 min. Doing any calculations while experiencing runner’s high, by the way, never works (at least for me), so I outlandishly under-guesstimated it by 4+ minutes. Oops! But I did do it and I’m SO happy! 3.41 miles during that first leg, yeah!

As for the Week 6 Day 2 I added at the end, I wasn’t sure if I could belt out those ten minute intervals – at one point I considered just doing Day 1 but after 5 minutes I said “Why not?” I pushed. And pushed. And can finally say that I did it! Makes up for the downer on Tuesday’s run (or lack thereof), that’s for sure.

Thoughts While Running

Running around dinner time is just as good as running on a weekend morning. Taking in all the delicious smells is like putting a carrot in front of me! I could probably run for miles chasing a casserole dish.


73° F, Sunny

100 Pushups: Week 3 Day 3 (#3)

22-30-20-20 max: 17

I still need a few super short breaks here and there and was getting frustrated about my lack of progress until I looked back on my notes. Sure I still need the breaks, but the need for them appear deeper into the count. It’s a good think I keep detailed notes on how I feel on every set or I wouldn’t see that tiny little improvement!

At this point it looks like I may need to repeat this next week too, but I’ll bust out a few good sets of triceps dips to speed it along.

C25K: Week 8, Day 1

How Goes It

Ok, all this talk about fall weather arriving on the cusp of October is dog doodoo because it was 90°F. 90 DEGREES!!!!!! At 4 pm!!!!!!!! WTF?!?! Living at the beach also offered no reprieve; if there was the slightest bit of wind (scarcely), it was the kind that blasts your face when you open the oven door at 400°F. Yeeeeeah. (Can you already tell how this entry is going to go?)

Consequently, I had to cut my run short at 24:31 which I am not happy about, but had to stop because symptoms of heatstroke were setting in. I think I got the hint when I started getting confused. Darn summer coming in fashionably late!

After splashing some cold water over my head and walking for a few minutes, I tried running towards the direction of home, but lasted only 3:30. Needless to say, I failed today. Darn summer. (Oh sorry, I said that already)

After checking the heavily inaccurate but handy, I decided to try running again tomorrow at 9 am, as it’s supposed to be just a “mere” 70°F (eye roll) as opposed to the 74°F predicted later at 4 pm. A jump outside in my skivvies tomorrow morning will help me decide on that… Otherwise I’ll make it up on Sunday.

But for now, I’m not going to sweat it. (pun intended!)

Oh and before I forget, there was one bright side to this, and that is the fact that I’m now running 9 min miles regularly (versus 10). Great news, though fully unintentional!

Thoughts While Running

You know you’re sweating excessively when you consider asking someone who is watering their lawn to splash you with some of that H2O.

At one point, I was screaming in my head “chicken! chicken! chicken!” while running up a hill. I’m not sure where that came from, but it could be connected to heatstroke, as that was the last thing I remembered thinking before being forced to stop.


90° F, Sunny (you don’t even know half of it)