Cleaned OUT

Hi! How are you doing?

I am doing SO much better! I finally got some sleep – the kind where you’re all lights out before you head hit the pillow. It was AWESOME. I am probably at 80% of my regular self now, so I probably need just one more good night’s sleep to make myself whole again. It’s a great place to be.

By the way, I learned something today: keeping a house at showcase level is a full-time job in itself. I can’t wait to sell this house finally so that I can leave my socks on the floor sometime! Actually, not really. I have a dog that LOVES to chew on stuff, so that teaches me to never leave anything out, much less on the floor. So I’ll have to settle for something more titillating, like leaving a dirty dish in the sink the entire day and not worry about it. Oh the exciting life I lead. πŸ˜‰

Morning Mentions

Although I am not yet 100%, I woke up like I was. As it turns out, this whole packing-cleaning-staging the house thing stressed our entire farmily out because my fiance picked sleeping in over working out this morning – something he rarely does. Furthermore, both cats and the dog were simply not interested in lifting even an eyelid as I roamed about. Our house is exhausted.

The house finally stirred about when opened a can of cat food. Like Pavlov, it’s works every time. πŸ˜€


Butterscotch Toffee coffee with soy creamer. Mmm!


On today’s fitness agenda: active rest day with a 40 minute walk.


The walk felt so good after two straight full days of moving. It loosened up the muscles, got the blood flowing and cleared my mind.

Bruno got to sniff some new areas today, so he had a blast too!



I was really hungry this morning, so as soon as my ten minutes of stretching was done, I was off to the kitchen to make some brekkie. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted something a little more substantial than my usual eats:



1 cup of egg sub, 1 tbsp of ketchup, and 1 Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffin. Thrown together, but really satisfying!

By the way, those Ezekiel English muffins totally rock. I love how dense and chewy they are. Best.muffins.ever.


After a morning of work, cleaning and re-arranging (aggghhh! – I am so over cleaning!), I finally sat down for a late lunch. Once again, the salads and roasted chicken I prepped ahead of time is kicking in nicely.



Not pictured, but I smothered the heck out of my chicken breast with Cholula. Made a nice contrast to the balsamic vinegar I splashed on the greens. πŸ˜›


Okay, so I never snack in the afternoons because I am usually too busy to eat or just don’t feel the need to.

Today? I started obsessing on cakes and pies. It was weird: not matter what I was trying to do, I would start thinking and obsessing on cakey, bready things. I was heading into danger zone! I was even THIS CLOSE to snatching one of these Snickers minis I had laying around – but I didn’t. Clooooose calls, baby.

While rummaging through my pantry, I came across enough cans of pumpkin to bake about 17,000 pies. That’s when I got an idea: what if I added pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, and some sweetener to some pumpkin puree?


I tried it … and it hit the spot! I can’t believe I’d say this, but I would totally nibble on this again if I got hit by the snack monster again.


After doing a bunch of errands, I got home late and had only a minute to feed my starving self.



Shredded rotisserie chicken thigh, Spanish cauliflower “rice, and steamed green beans (nuked in the microwave). Can you believe my entire dinner was only 340 calories? Huge! And delicious. And filling. And satisfying.

Before I knew it, it was already eight o’clock… That’s frozen grapes time for me! πŸ™‚

By the way, did you know that Monday is Labor Day? Wha??? Β I didn’t know this until this morning, when my fiance mentioned it to me. Where did the time go? Before you know it, Christmas will be next week. Just don’t blink or itΒ will happen.

I hope you had a great day! I’ll see ya tomorrow… For Weigh-In Wednesday!

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